Opportunities to serve
In response to the radical message of service and hospitality found throughout the scriptures, our church is committed to serving our local and global communities as best we can. For us, this means coming alongside people with our very lives, not just our pocketbooks. If you are interested in serving with us, below are some opportunities to get involved throughout the year. Otherwise, send our Ministry Coordinator, Emma an email for further inquiry.

Family Promise
Family Promise is an organization that networks different churches in an area to utilize their facilities to provide temporary housing for homeless families. The church hosting provides shelter and meals, and hopes to make their space accommodating for the families in need. Our church is committed to making this service available for our local community, and will be hosting at various weeks in the year. Let us know if you’d like to participate by donating needed items, preparing a meal, or serving as an overnight host!
Meals On Wheels
Did you know that Pullman Presbyterian Church participates in the Meals on Wheels program? About 17 groups made up of churches and other community organizations work together to deliver lunches to the homes of Pullman’s home bound. The month of September belongs to PPC. Four volunteers are needed every day during the month of September to form two teams of two; a driver and vehicle are needed for each team. The time commitment is about one hour starting at 11:15 am at Bishop Place Kitchen.

Pullman Food Bank
The Pullman Child Welfare (PCW) Food Bank sees on average 35 families each Saturday who are in need of food. Bags of food go out quickly these Saturday mornings, especially for families of 3–6 persons. PPC takes non-perishable food donations from the congregation the first Sunday of every month and brings them to the food bank. You can bring food other Sundays as well. Items that are always needed: canned fruits (peaches, pears, applesauce); canned soups (especially tomato); canned vegetables (corn, beans, peas); canned tuna or protein, cereals. Personal care items, paper towels, diapers, and laundry detergent are in high demand as well.
Share what you have with the Pullman community that hungers. We pull out a shopping cart in the fellowship hall where you can place food items for donation.
Questions? Message phone (509) 338-0801. Calls will be returned as quickly as possible. Cash donations may be mailed to PCW Food Bank, PO Box 521, Pullman, WA 99163.

Family Promise
Family Promise is an organization that networks different churches in an area to utilize their facilities to provide temporary housing for homeless families. The church hosting provides shelter and meals, and hopes to make their space accommodating for the families in need. Our church is committed to making this service available for our local community, and will be hosting at various weeks in the year. Let us know if you’d like to participate by donating needed items, preparing a meal, or serving as an overnight host!

Meals On Wheels
Did you know that Pullman Presbyterian Church participates in the Meals on Wheels program? About 17 groups made up of churches and other community organizations work together to deliver lunches to the homes of Pullman’s home bound. The month of September belongs to PPC. Four volunteers are needed every day during the month of September to form two teams of two; a driver and vehicle are needed for each team. The time commitment is about one hour starting at 11:15 am at Bishop Place Kitchen.

Pullman Food Bank
The Pullman Child Welfare (PCW) Food Bank sees on average 35 families each Saturday who are in need of food. Bags of food go out quickly these Saturday mornings, especially for families of 3–6 persons. PPC takes non-perishable food donations from the congregation the first Sunday of every month and brings them to the food bank. You can bring food other Sundays as well. Items that are always needed: canned fruits (peaches, pears, applesauce); canned soups (especially tomato); canned vegetables (corn, beans, peas); canned tuna or protein, cereals. Personal care items, paper towels, diapers, and laundry detergent are in high demand as well.
Share what you have with the Pullman community that hungers. We pull out a shopping cart in the fellowship hall where you can place food items for donation.
Questions? Message phone (509) 338-0801. Calls will be returned as quickly as possible. Cash donations may be mailed to PCW Food Bank, PO Box 521, Pullman, WA 99163.